Jackie lives in the small town of Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada where working in her studio she recreats the beauty and colour of her surroundings. Things around her home, or from her travels are what have influenced her and continue to influence her.
Jackie has always had a love of art, and anything creative. To this end, she has studied various media over the years, concentrating mostly on watercolours. She began this quest in 1981 when she joined the now defunct Smiths Falls Art Club and continued painting for a few years before heading in a different direction in her life.
Since early 2006, Jackie has rediscovered a love for art when she became a member of the Rideau Lakes Artists' Association. Through this organization she has participated in art shows in Westport, Perth, and Lombardy. As well, she has participated in outdoor art shows sponsored by the Schizophrenia Society of Ottawa and the Chaffey’s Lock and Heritage Society Show at Chaffey’s Locks. She has works of art in private collections in Canada, Great Britain and Australia.